It always fuels our passion at SERI for our cause when leaders in the electronics recycling industry come together for the greater good. During 2022, Greeneye PartnersSIMS Lifecycle Services, and Vertmonde collaborated on an effort to help facilities in Latin America transition to the new R2v3 Standard. Greeneye and Vertmonde, with the benevolent support of SIMS, produced a Spanish set of R2v3 documents to meet the new requirements of the R2v3 Standard.

Plans are to hold a free webinar workshop in early 2023 to go over the documents and help companies understand the necessary preparation for the R2v3 requirements. The workshop will be recorded for those who are unable to attend the live webinar. The Spanish set of R2v3 documentation is being donated to facilities in Latin America for use in building their own management systems for R2v3 Certification. To access the new Implementation Documents, please send an Email to Katherine Delich at Greeneye Partners.

Greeneye Partners, SIMS Lifecycle Services, and Vertmonde were part of the original Latin America Project in 2016 that SERI coordinated to help selected facilities in Latin America achieve R2 Certification.

“This is a generous endeavor to help R2 Certified companies in Latin America transition to the new R2v3 Standard, as well as help facilities achieve their first-time certification. It is great to see the leadership of Greeneye, Vertmonde, and SIMS collaborate on such a meaningful project. SERI is very grateful to have all three as part of the R2 community.” remarked SERI’s Executive Director, Corey Dehmey.

SERI is also working to support Spanish-speaking facilities with Spanish translations of the R2v3 Standard, REC, and the Code of Practices. These documents are available in the R2 Documents Library for free download. In addition, we plan to continue to offer Lead Auditor Training in Spanish with future demand.

SERI sincerely thanks Greeneye, SIMs, and Vertmonde for their continued efforts to help facilities in Latin America achieve R2 Certification and work toward electronics sustainability.