
Specialty Process Requirements

that apply only to facilities that perform specific processes.

To better reflect today’s business environment and provide additional flexibility both for facilities and their clients, R2v3 now divides the R2 Standard into “Core” and specialized “Process” requirements.  While all R2 certified facilities are held to the Core requirements, the Process requirements only apply to facilities that perform those processes.

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Greater Flexibility

Process requirements now make R2 Certification more achievable and affordable for small and startup facilities that don’t engage in the full scope of R2 processes. This additional level of flexibility means more facilities have access to R2 Certification, which in turn, means we can have a greater positive impact on the world.

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More Clarity

The addition of process requirements provides more clarity on the capabilities and expertise of each R2 facility, which helps facilities to right-size their certification, and helps businesses to find the right R2 partner for their specific needs.

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As facilities grow and expand their capabilities over time, they can add new elements to their R2 certification and have access to a wider range of customers and industry segments for their business. Likewise, should conditions change, facilities can remove certification to individual Appendices and still maintain R2 Core Certification.

Process Requirements

Apply only to the R2 Certified facilities that perform any of the specialized processes outlined below: