SERI is pleased to announce that Mark Petruzzi has joined our mission in the newly formed position of Director of Strategic Engagement. Expanding SERI’s role as a catalyst for achieving electronics sustainability worldwide, Mark will focus on harnessing the power of enterprise to drive positive change. Mark will engage with like-minded businesses that recognize the opportunity that electronics present within their own corporate sustainability efforts, as well as organizations, sustainability leaders, industry professionals, and global influencers who are working to build solutions towards a larger sustainable and circular economy.

“This is a big next step for SERI to continue extending our impact as a mission driven organization,” said Corey Dehmey, SERI’s Executive Director. “Every business uses electronics. We recognize the multiplier effect that businesses can produce when they make better decisions with their used IT assets. That’s not only in terms of the volume of electronics that businesses utilize every year, but also the power that business has in creating change in the world. We are excited to add Mark’s passion and expertise to our global efforts.”

Over his professional career, Mark has spent more than 20 years examining the lifecycle impacts of products and ways to practically reduce them.

“There’s a lot of agreement that electronics need a longer first use, a best next use whenever possible, and responsible management at the true end of their useful life,” said Mark. “Better use and reuse of technology is vital as we work to bend current linear models into something more circular. I’m looking forward to engaging our diverse stakeholders to find shared solutions to help advance SERI’s mission.”

To start a conversation, Mark can be reached at

About SERI

SERI is a global non-profit 501(c)(3) organization based in the United States with a mission is to help create a world where electronic products are reused and recycled in a way that promotes resource preservation, the well-being of the natural environment, and the health and safety of workers and communities. SERI has numerous programs working to protect the planet and enrich lives by championing sustainable actions throughout the entire electronics lifecycle including the R2 Standard for responsible electronics reuse and recycling, the Electronics Sustainability Alliance, and R2 Leaders.